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 Elevate Your Financial Wisdom

Step into a world where managing your finances becomes second nature. With our MoneyFitt extensive personal finance content library, you're equipped to navigate the complexities of personal finance with ease. Empower yourself to make informed investment decisions and master the art of financial stewardship.

£2.99/month per user

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Start elevating your financial knowledge

With access to our personal finance content library, you can:


  • Learn about different financial options and strategies

  • Understand the risks and potential returns associated with different investments

  • Stay informed about market trends and economic conditions

  • Develop a solid understanding of personal finance concepts and principles

  • Make informed decisions about saving, spending, protecting, and investing


Our content library is regularly updated with the latest information and insights, ensuring members can access the most current and accurate information. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced investor, our library has something to offer. Don't miss out on the many benefits of our comprehensive personal finance content library. Sign up now to membership or mentorship and start elevating your financial knowledge today.




Simple Steps to a Better Life

Life is better when we're financially fit. Our services help people to cultivate good financial habits and make better financial decisions. We aim to help everyone, regardless of age and background, build happier and healthier financial lives by building knowledge and taking action.

Learn Personal Finance

By integrating these educational and empowerment tools into our practice, we can ensure we are providing fair and equitable treatment to all clients, particularly those who are vulnerable. This adherence not only ensures compliance with CMA regulations but also strengthens our commitment to ethical practice and enhances our brand reputation.

Vast content library

Our content library comes in various formats: text, video, audio, infographic, quiz question, templates, and calculators. 

Content for everyone

Easily select relevant content by difficulty level with our graded system, ensuring an optimal learning experience for all members.

Act now, never too late

"The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery, a French writer, aviator and author.

How to use MoneyFitt

Transform Your Tomorrow: Join AoLP's MoneyFitt Today

Unlocking your financial potential goes beyond mere numbers; it's about crafting a life filled with choice, freedom, and security. With AoLP's MoneyFitt™, you gain more than financial knowledge—you unlock the doors to a future where financial worries don’t dictate your choices. By improving your financial skills, you lay the foundation for a life where you can pursue your passions, support your loved ones, and contribute to causes close to your heart.


Join us at AoLP's MoneyFitt™ today. Embrace the journey towards financial fitness and take the first step towards a life where you control your finances, not the other way around. Subscribe now and transform your financial future into one of prosperity, security, and peace of mind.

Let's Talk.

9 Franklin Way, Spilsby,
Lincolnshire, UK, PE23 5GG.

Tel: 07850 102070

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Regulatory Information and Consumer Protection Notice:


The Academy of Life Planning Limited (AoLP) offers a range of services including generic financial advice, financial education, management consulting, coaching, training, mentorship, events management, and ongoing service support.


The content on this website is for informational purposes and not professional financial advice. It reflects the opinions of individual authors, based on their research, observations, and years of experience. Please note that neither the authors nor AoLP are registered investment advisers, solicitors, or licensed accounting professionals. We do not provide legal, tax, accounting, investment advice, or other professional services. Any liability for errors or omissions, or for any damage alleged to have been caused by the information on this site, is disclaimed. Use this site and its content at your own risk. We also disclaim responsibility for updating information and for third-party content, products, and services, including those accessed through hyperlinks or advertisements on this site.


Our financial planning services offer generic advice and are therefore governed by general consumer law in the UK, including the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 and the Consumer Protection (Amendment) Regulations 2014. We are regulated by the Competition and Markets Authority, not the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), because we do not provide advice relating to specific investments or carry out activities regulated under Section 22 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. We do not arrange or bring about deals, make arrangements with a view to a transaction, or cause dematerialised instructions relating to any investment business. We do not advise borrowers about the liquidation of debt. Our planning services are designed as a stand-alone service. If you need financial products, you can access these directly from the market or via financial intermediaries. If you are seeking a personal recommendation for an investment product, you should consult a licensed investment adviser.


In simpler terms, we sell plans, not products.


The Academy of Life Planning Limited is a service sector trading company regulated by the Competition and Markets Authority and Registered in England and Wales number 8016568. Our registered office address is 9 Franklin Way, Spilsby, Lincolnshire, PE23 5GG, United Kingdom. We are registered with the Information Commissioner's Office, reference number ZA502687.


For more detailed information about the terms of usage of our website, please refer to our Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to contact us.


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